


Mass转移 程序

Meet Shayla费海提, a Brewster, MA resident who has called Cape Cod home her entire life. Shayla's educational journey began at det365中文 (4Cs) during her senior year of high school as a dual enrollment student. Inspired by the affordable tuition and the opportunity to complete her general education courses, she decided to continue her studies at 4Cs to obtain her associate degree. Little did she know that this decision would lead her to discover a vibrant community, 专门的教授, and a path towards her passion for environmental science.

当被问及她参加4c的决定时, Shayla emphasized the flexibility and affordability of the college, 声明, "It was an affordable option to complete my general education courses and then transfer through the Mass转移 program. I also liked the option of taking fully online courses during the pandemic.“然而, what truly captivated Shayla and kept her at 4Cs were the amazing professors and connections she made along the way. She described the college community as a diverse and inclusive environment where students from various backgrounds come together with a shared goal of seeking knowledge and self-improvement. Shayla highlighted the non-judgmental 和支持ive nature of the college, where everyone's life experiences are respected and embraced.


当谢拉展望未来时, she plans to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a degree in the environmental science field. Her ambition extends beyond conventional boundaries as she seeks to combine her interests in science, 业务, and communication to forge her own path within this interdisciplinary realm. Shayla's goal is to explore the intersection of environmental science, 可持续性, 社会正义, 和教育, ultimately contributing to both human and environmental well-being.

反思她最喜欢的专业, Shayla expressed her enthusiasm for the interdisciplinary nature of environmental science, 声明, "Environmental science affects every industry because it affects us as human beings and our planet.“有环保意识的心态, she has curated her education to explore how this field can be intertwined with other subjects, creating a well-rounded perspective that enriches her learning experience.

During her time at 4Cs, Shayla had the opportunity to immerse herself in online courses. 整体, 她有一个积极的经历, 欣赏灵活性, 教授的个性化支持, 还有在家里舒适地工作的能力. 然而, she also acknowledged the importance of in-person interactions and the value of building deeper connections through face-to-face interactions and campus events. Shayla emphasized the significance of getting involved with the college community, which she achieved by taking some in-person classes and joining clubs.

谢拉很感激她在4c找到的导师, such as her advisor Catherine Etter and English professor Rebecca Griffin. 这些导师提供了指导, 鼓励, 和支持, helping Shayla navigate her educational journey and pursue her passions. 另外, 伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(WHOI), 谢拉很荣幸能和他一起工作. Gretta Serres和Dr. 卡洛琳Teplot, who bolstered her confidence in the science field 和支持ed her career aspirations.

Shayla's internships at WHOI provided invaluable experiences. 在CC-CREW项目中, she delved into studying hydrogenovibrio bacteria in the Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents, while the Blue Economy 程序 allowed her to explore interdisciplinary subjects related to the ocean. 通过这些实习, Shayla discovered a community of scientists who were not only passionate about their work but also eager to support and include her in their endeavors. She learned the importance of collaboration, resilience, and seeking help when needed.

除了她的校外经历, Shayla serves as an intern for the 4Cs STEM Starter Academy and the Cape Cod Regional STEM Network. 在这个角色中, she contributes to social media outreach and writes articles about local STEM events and programs. She obtained this position through the STEM Starter Academy, which has been instrumental in connecting her with opportunities and resources in her field.

Shayla's advice for new students is to embrace the many opportunities available at 4Cs. She encourages students to introduce themselves to faculty and staff, 因为这些联系可以产生持久的影响. She believes that the college is committed to each student's success when they show a genuine interest in expanding their knowledge, 探索新体验, 与来自不同背景的同龄人交流, 给周围的人留下积极的印象. Shayla also highlights the importance of reaching out to professors and asking questions, as a single interaction can lead to life-changing experiences and opportunities.

Shayla wants new and current students to know that there is always a chance to get involved in the campus community. 无论是通过加入俱乐部, 参加STEM初学者学院, 或者为校园刊物投稿, there are numerous avenues to connect with like-minded individuals and foster personal and academic growth.

Shayla费海提's journey at 4Cs is a testament to the transformative power of community college education. 她对环境科学的贡献, 跨学科学习, and community engagement has paved the way for a promising future. As Shayla continues to pursue her higher education and make a positive impact in the world, we celebrate her accomplishments and look forward to witnessing her future success.